standard-title Desserts


The desserts

Ice creams and sorbets

Toasted almonds ice cream with Xixona nougat, 72% chocolate ice cream with pecan nuts, Citrus and vegetable sorbet with a touch of raspberry, Squeezed lemon sorbet
5,75 €

Moliterno cheese with black truffle

9,92 €

Whims of dried fruits “Sibarita” from Crit d’Or

6,79 €

Coca of sugar and anise with a shot of sweet wine

6,79 €

Molten chocolate cake with black truffle ice cream and a pinch of salt

8,75 €

Tatin apple tart with armagnac and plum ice cream

(10 minutes)
7,25 €

Mojito with lemon sorbet and Sichuan pepper

8,75 €